Value Added Services

Designing, developing and implementation of technology solutions.
Call Centre

The Xi Call Centre was established with the goal to service both internal clients and as an outsourced standalone service to other businesses, allowing other businesses in the service industry the benefit of an experienced customer centric Call Centre.

The Xi Call Centre operates from Cape Town and provides a dedicated, centralised Call Centre ICT Support and software support on the Xi Software Suite as well as providing call center services to external businesses who require a centralised call center to represent their businesses and engage with their clients, staff and end users.

The Xi Call Centre agents core functions encompass:

  • Telephonic Consultation to provide information, take orders, answer questions and handle complaints.
  • Investigate and follow up on customer problems
  • Document Outcomes and steps taken
  • Update Customer Files and databases
  • Remote and Telephonic technical and ICT Support
  • Manage, schedule, and provide ad-hoc remote maintenance for IT Support clients as well as the management of on-site technical teams scheduled and ad hoc support.

All client accounts are opened as a project at the Call Centre and offers both standard hours, Monday to Friday 8am until 5pm and extended hours for where services are required outside of operating hours. Xi Systems ensures a dedicated incoming line for all projects and call centre staff are assigned to the client project according to the availability requirements of your business. Each project receives management services handled by a CRM Manager whose job is to ensure that your customer service expectations are met by our team when representing your business and in accordance to the SLA and SOP signed with the customers.